hey hotties!
i want to start with a big thank you to everyone who came out for hot singles week. it was super fun to see y’all in so many different contexts… whether a low-lit cozy 20-person dinner or crossing the gen-z/millennial chasm to crank that soulja boy with hundreds of people in a hotel ballroom, i think we made the most our time together. i’ll have photos and stuff to share soon, but in the meantime we’re back to our weekly hot single <3
this week’s hot single is a new yorker through and through. a mets fan with family ties to the pizza nazi of rockaway beach, she’s even a retired sign painter (though she came out of retirement to make these signs for hot singles). when she’s not simply being a new yorker, you might find her having contrarian opinions about famous artists… might you meet this mets fan at citifield one day?
stay hot 🥵
tell us about a book / movie / song / piece of media or art that changed your life
extremely controversial for me to say this out loud but: JEFF KOONS’ RETROSPECTIVE at the whitney in 2014. in creative circles, jeff koons is often the butt of jokes (generally touching upon the combination of the “unserious” nature of his work and the super high-priced market surrounding his pieces). in spite of everything i had heard, i decided to see his retrospective one saturday in high school for extra credit in art history class. admittedly, i went to the exhibition half-expecting it all to be a big, bro-y joke, but what i actually found was a labor-intensive body of work steeped in a ton of ideological theory. in a direct way that i never expected, jeff koons taught me that creating can be irreverent / joyful / stupid / etc. while still being contemplative and thoughtful, and also reminded me that good art is whatever you want it to be. (thanks jeff)
what’s the best interaction you’ve had with a stranger?
this is actually one of my favorite things about living in new york -- a lot of the people around you are really great, and sometimes you get to know them for a minute. while working as a sign painter a few years ago, i was on the bus in bushwick on the way to pick up some laser-cut letters when i suddenly felt a projectile liquid hit me (this is a recurring theme, read on and you will understand). i looked down and there was ketchup all over my arms -- shocked, i began looking around for the culprit (a perfectly nice lady eating chicken nugs who was oblivious to what had just happened despite ketchup shrapnel on the bus floor). the person sitting in front of me noticed what was going on, turned around, and without asking, started wiping my arms with her extra sweater. i felt (and still feel) totally honored and blessed that all of that happened to me. if anyone is looking for a moral here, it’s to look up & look around -- the universe gives you a lot of gifts and you don’t want to miss them.
😈 what’s your toxic trait?
i’m not afraid to say the truth, even when being honest is disadvantageous to me, especially in the face of something unjust. it can be easy to look back and think things like, “what career advancements might have happened if i hadn’t stood up for myself?” but i don’t regret any of it, and that is definitely a hang-up for some people. i think that i continue to do this (despite often facing negative consequences) because i was raised by two counterculture-loving deadheads who taught me with their words & actions that the right thing to do is not always the popular thing to do.
🥵 what makes you hot?
in my heart of hearts i am a 60 year old man from queens:
- unintelligibly thick ny accent
- retired from being a sign painter
- friends with local characters such as the so-called “pizza nazi of rockaway beach” (* he is actually a family friend)
- often talking mets news with random guys in the street
- very into discussing traffic conditions of various roads in the tri-state
- bizarre & strange things happen to me in a seinfeld-esque fashion, ex. getting thrown up on from a third story window in the middle of midtown while swedish tourists look on as if i am in the wrong, washing & using a hand dryer to get the vomit out of my hair at grand central, immediately afterwards running into my high school best friend who is buying a bagel in the food concourse
🔎 who are you looking for?
men (True love only lol) or non-romantic, non-gender-specific artistic collaborations.
i care a lot about spending time with people who have exclusively good intentions and care about being ethical in both their work and in their actions towards themselves and others. as for deal breakers, i have a hard time with anyone who hates on kevin durant, who is an absolute joy to watch in basketball games.
🙋🏻 if you’re interested in this week’s hot single, respond to this email or send a message to hi@hotsingles.nyc with a photo and a little bit about yourself :)
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