What is Hot Singles? Is this a joke?

Hot Singles makes dating fun. It’s an email newsletter that publishes 2-3x a week, including personal ads, classifieds, and other stuff like advice, nonsensical debates, and audio interviews. Anything goes as long as it’s loosely in the schema of making dating fun and funny.

This is a newsletter, yes, but it’s also a community-created art project and science experiment. It comes to life via the people who get featured, reply to the emails, and contribute to the classifieds. Join me in making dating fun!

How do the personal ads work?

On Fridays, I post a Q&A with a single New Yorker–it’s like if a personal ad and a celebrity interview had a baby:

hotsingles.nyc 🥵👤🗽
25W Produce Princess Seeks Farmers Market Prince
hey hotties! classifieds are back on tuesday… got a missed connection, event, or burning thought to share? let the people know: anyway, a lot of hot singles have talked a big game about their dedication to seasonal produce, but this produce princess walks the walk too. when she’s not doing produce stuff, you might catch her at the thrift store performing …
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If you’re interested in meeting the person in the Q&A, you can email hi@hotsingles.nyc with a message and a photo to pass along. They’ll reach out if there’s mutual interest.

How do the classifieds work?

On Tuesdays, I send out a list of classifieds sourced from my readers:

hotsingles.nyc 🥵👤🗽
Classifieds: a corn-centric party, queer play about jesus, and search for the perfect bloomers
hey hotties! yesterday i sent out a surprise email with the first ever hot singles podcast! you can listen or read an excerpt here. it’s basically about how straight people in the US have been psyoped into thinking it’s fine to have bad sex. for today’s classifieds, we have an eclectic range of events: a free art show hosted by hot singles alum…
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You can think of it like the bulletin board at your local food co-op, but more stuff to do and people to meet and less subletting your apartment or peddling your dog acupuncture services.

How do I get involved?

Subscribe! I’m keeping all the posts free for now, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s hot to pay people for their work. Still not convinced? I’ll sweeten the deal… if you send me 5 bucks a month (or $50/year), I’ll throw in a Google Maps list of date spots curated by the famous hot singles themselves:

If you’re a diehard fan of Hot Singles, for $200/year you’ll get (1) the warm and fuzzy feeling of supporting the arts and (2) a one-hour call with me where you can ask me questions, complain to me about your dating life, or sit in silence <3

Who is behind this and why?

I’m Randa, girlboss-at-large, arbiter of hotness, and writer, among other things. I started Hot Singles as a scheme to find a boyfriend, but instead I just got a bunch of strangers opening my emails and a profile in the New York Times. So I Leaned In.

Besides The New York Times, Hot Singles has also been featured in New York Magazine, NYLON, Bustle, and the MIT Tech Review. I also write Seeing Someone, a dating advice column for New York Magazine.

I have a question, how do I get in touch?

Email hi@hotsingles.nyc

Subscribe to hotsingles.nyc 🥵👤🗽

Q&A personal ads, classifieds, advice, debates, and other stuff that makes dating fun and funny 🥵


creative/content at substack.com, chief Leaker at RandaLeaks, former hanger outer at goodhang.org