this week’s hot single is bringing FUN to the table–there’s no doubt about it. below, she tells you about her personal style aspirations and lets us in on how her past partners see her (it’s mostly flattering). she’s also low-key famous and reads books, which we love and support!
p.s. wanna get featured? fill out this form to join the waitlist.
how would you describe your style?
I am working on a full life transformation (treating the pandemic like the summer between 6th and 7th grade, aka revolutionizing my style and finally going from b cup to maybe c cup if I pray hard enough and do good deeds). The way I have dressed historically will soon become obsolete, but up until now I have dressed like an 8 year old boy who’s obsessed with motocross. Again, I’m working on it and hopefully the next time you see me I will be dressed like a prairie girl or maybe a rich but down to earth painter. Idk I haven’t finalized the vision but it will be soooo sexy and unique.
how have past partners described you?
My past partners would all die for me and you can fact check that. They are all (except like two) incredible men and women who would drop everything to come save me if I was trapped in a well or under a boulder a la 127 hours. I think a number of them would say I’m the best sex they have ever had and another number would say I’m a totally adequate lover at the very least. They have said I’m incredibly loyal and understanding and even-keeled. I think most of them would still consider me someone they are always able to reach out to if they need me and that they appreciate our time together. They would also say I buy too much makeup, get too gassy too often, and am not a very good driver. The last thing is no longer true–now I am fast and furious like Jeff Gordon.
😈 what’s your toxic trait?
I’m an amazing singer and I do NOT try to hide it when I do karaoke.
🥵 what makes you hot?
I am extremely beloved and famous in 3 medium size circles in Brooklyn and one big one in Boston, I have LOTS of books next to my bed like a sexy little genius, I have a juicy dumper, and I know the secret to the perfect piece of toast (triple butter).
🔎 who are you looking for?
I am looking for someone (any gender) who makes me feel sexy beautiful free and cared for who I can also make feel sexy beautiful free and cared for who has cool style, ambition, and maybe a car or motorcycle and cool sunglasses.
🙋🏻♀️ if you’re interested in this week’s hot single, respond to this email and tell her a little bit about yourself :)
how does this work?
you receive a weekly personal ad for a hot single
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a member of our team will share your message with the hot single, and they’ll take it from there
who is hot singles for?
we’ve got a variety of genders and sexualities on our list. most people are in their 20s and 30s. all are welcome. tell your friends 👯
can i reach out to more than one hot single?
yes. you’re encouraged to respond to as many ads as you’d like.
how do i get featured?
fill out this form to join the waitlist